CCE Hosts a series of climate focused Fireside Chats

06 Apr 2023

The Centre for Climate Engagement is hosting a series of Fireside Chats which shine a light on different ways to tackle climate change in the boardroom. These events are being held during Hughes Hall Green Week, which follows on from World Earth Day on 22 April, as a full week of college events from 24-28 April 2023.

The CCE Fireside chats are open to all students and staff of the University, but places are strictly limited in number to provide an informal discussion environment, so please register early.

Students interested in meeting the CCE Team are also welcome to come to an informal ‘Lunch and Meet the CCE Team’ lunch on Tuesday 25 April at 12.30-13.30 at Hughes Hall Peter Richards Room. (bringing lunch from the canteen) At this event we will launch details of our Summer 2023 Internship programme.

  • CCE Fireside Chat: Using the law to protect our nature and the climate – POSTPONED – new date to be announced.
    Jenni Ramos, lawyer at the Commonwealth Climate and Law Initiative
    24 April 17.30-19.00, Hughes Hall

    Addressing climate change requires new laws and regulations, as well as ensuring that existing law is interpreted and applied in a way that protects the environment. While many new legal frameworks have already emerged in response to the climate crisis, change in this area will accelerate as the challenge becomes increasingly urgent. The law is also rapidly evolving to mitigate nature loss, a distinct problem of a similar scale and with many links to climate change.  

    Jenni Ramos’ experience as a climate and sustainability lawyer gives her a unique perspective on how the law can address these existential, intertwined challenges within commercial, corporate and finance frameworks. During this Fireside Chat, she will speak to Harriet Harthan, Head of Content for CCE, about which legal levers can help us mitigate climate change and protect nature. Tackling these challenges will require a new generation of lawyers who are equipped to deal with environmental problems, and Jenni will also offer advice to students who wish to make sustainability central to their career. 
  • CCE Fireside Chat: Advancing climate action on different frontiers
    Navin Rauniar, partner at Tata Consultancy Services
    Anu Pal, Senior Deputy Advocate General of Punjab
    26 April 17.30-19.00, Hughes Hall

    Climate change is a multidimensional problem that requires action across many countries and sectors. Navin and Anu, coming from different backgrounds and expertise, will share ideas and experiences of effective climate action that they have seen during their careers. These contrasting experiences, Navin working in finance in the UK and Anu working in law in India, demonstrate the wide range of stakeholders important to the fight against climate change.

    In addition to highlighting contrasts between different types of climate action, Navin and Anu will address shared issues such as considerations when tackling climate change in emerging markets, and how institutions outside of central government can drive sustainability. Students will also be welcome to ask either speaker about career tips or guidance.
  • CCE Fireside Chat: How digitalisation can help us adapt to climate change
    Dr Daoping Wang, Hoffman Fellow, Centre for Climate Engagement
    Qiancheng Wang, PhD Researcher, Department of Land Economy
    27 April 18.00-19.30, Hughes Hall

    The effects of climate change are increasingly transforming human living environments. Without sufficient mitigation actions, the severity of projected climate-related hazards will significantly increase in the future. By providing more efficient, rapid, and reliable risk monitoring and assessment, enabling better decision-making based on quantitative, actionable indicators, emerging digital technologies can play an important role in climate change adaptation

    1 – What are the major climate change adaptation challenges?
    2 – How can digital technologies help?
    3 – What governance innovations are needed for large-scale deployment of such digital technologies?

    Dr Daoping Wang will present some case study findings about these issues in this Fireside Chat. Qian-Cheng Wang will focus on digital technologies and urban planning.

Any queries about these events please contact