CCE supports COP29 event on Climate Proofing SMEs  

13 Nov 2024

The Centre for Climate Engagement is supporting the COP29 Climate Champions’ campaign to climate-proof SMEs. Head of Academic Engagement, Dr Eldrid Herrington, will speak at an event on 16 November in Baku calling on academics for collaboration and evidence. 

The campaign #ClimateProofingSMEs was launched by the COP29 High-Level Champion to empower and enable Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) to take ambitious climate action. The campaign elevates the voices and role of SMEs, cementing them as a critical piece of a just transition to a resilient net zero future. By bringing together global and local organisations, it creates a connected supporting ecosystem for SMEs to tackle systemic barriers and build their capacity to not only survive but shape the pathway and thrive as a result of the green transition. 

CCE Head of Academic Engagement, Dr Eldrid Herrington, will speak at an event on 16 November in Baku presenting evidence and asking for collaboration from academics. She has supported the Climate Champions Team to produce a report prior to the COP29 event. This high-level global summary of the current academic knowledge on climate-proofing small and medium enterprises (SMEs) represents an initial step in gathering the best available evidence worldwide.  

Dr Herrington said:  

“The High-Level Champion has identified a challenging and opportune arena for climate action as part of the COP29 priorities: climate proofing SMEs. Academics around the globe have studied this issue and its complexities; the call to climate proof SMEs represents an opportunity to gather evidence, identify gaps, and deploy networks in response to this critical issue.” 

The event is called ‘High level multi-stakeholder roundtable on Small & Medium Enterprises (SMEs) as a driver of a just transition and a resilient green economy’. It will take place on Saturday 16 November 2024, 11:30 – 13:00 AZT in the Mugham Room in Zone B at COP29 in Baku, Azerbaijan. No registration is required, and all are welcome. Please note that seating is limited and available on a first-come, first-served basis on the day.