The Centre for Climate Engagement (CCE), based at Hughes Hall, University of Cambridge, is seeking expert collaborators to contribute to a local net zero project funded by Innovate UK’s Net Zero Living Programme. Experts working in research and industry on investment and data related to achieving net zero are invited to express an interest in this impactful and ground-breaking work.
Potential collaborators will be invited for a brief discussion with project leads, with the possibility of contributing to an online workshop aimed at informing and shaping an exciting new governance framework to support local authorities in achieving net zero. This framework will ensure alignment with national-level greenhouse gas emissions reporting and action. Although the initial project will be based and driven by partners across Cambridgeshire, it is anticipated that the resulting framework will serve as a model for local authorities to replicate nationwide.
Expert collaborators in the areas detailed below are invited to express an interest by email to:
- Data strand: Statisticians working on large data sets and analysts within universities, private companies and start-ups, working on climate data related to achieving Net Zero. Online workshop date: 1 May 2024 at 12.00pm to 15.00pm
- Investment strand: All sizes of investors down to social investors, finance managers in local authorities and academics working in ‘Place based investment and Net Zero’. Workshop date: 17 June 2024 at 9.30am to 12.30pm
Emily Farnworth, Director of CCE said:
“This project offers our expert collaborators an opportunity to make a real impact by contributing knowledge and evidence to help us create a sustainable and unified approach to achieving net zero at a local level. It’s exciting that plans developed in Cambridgeshire might provide a blueprint for local authorities across the UK.”
The investment framework project will provide guidance for local authorities on developing a ‘locally determined contribution.’ This builds upon the findings of the Skidmore Review of the UK’s net zero strategy, which emphasized the critical role of local government leadership and place-based actions in addressing the climate crisis.
CCE will work with the following partners to create the framework:
Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Combined Authority, Cambridgeshire County Council, Cambridge City Council, East Cambridgeshire District Council, Huntingdonshire District Council, South Cambridgeshire District Council, and Collaborate CIC.